dimecres, 20 de setembre del 2017

1.Making a difference

Personality adjectives

Choose the right adjective
Personality adjective quiz

Past Simple, past continuous and used to
 1.Used to songs      (The woksheet is here)

Used to exercices: Ex.1,  Ex 2  Ex.3,  Ex 4
Used to, be used to, get used to exercices: Ex1, Ex.2, Ex.3, Ex. 4,  Ex. 5  

Present perfect simple and continuous 

Grammar explanation and a series of of exercices.
Differences explained and three exercices for practice. 
Present perfect simple vs progressive (or continuous):    3   4     6    

Natural environments
Landscape vocabulary
Weather, nature and the environment
Animal body parts
Animals,   Birds Insects, Fish reptiles and sea life
Environment vocabulary list and definitions
Environmental ABCs
Planet Earth, listen and complete.


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