dimecres, 20 de setembre del 2017

4.Live well


First conditional and second conditional: 2  5 6 
Third conditional. Watch the video and do the exercises.  1  2  3 (plus structure)  4  5 6 
 Do the quizz

Mixed conditionals. Watch the video and do the exercises. 1  2  3  5  
A lot more practice


If you want to know more about the psychlogy of colours  you'll find lots of information in this text.

 Image result for colour psychology"

Watch the video.
COLOR PSYCHOLOGY from LidiaSeara on Vimeo.

Do you recognize any of the films in it?

Give advice : expresssions and practice
Ex 1 , 2, 3 , 4, 5
Health and injuries

Practise this vocabulary
Listen to these young people talk about vegetarianism
A good night's sleep. Listen to the radio interview
Read this text about schools dinners and fo the exercises
Here you have a list of vocabulary and expressions used at the doctor's

Parts of the body: head, game 1, game 2

Medical Advice: What's the matter? Listening activity
Medical advice: Doctor's appointment. Listening activity
Listen and identify the treatment
What's wrong with these six people? Listen and guess


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